2023 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT spy shots and video: Redesigned sports car spotted

2023 Mercedes-Benz AMG GT spy shots: Redesigned sports car spotted for first time

Even though Mercedes-Benz AMG replaced its GT Roadster last year with a redesigned 2022 SL, the coupe version of the GT sports car has stuck around and will soon be redesigned itself.

The latest spy shots and video show a prototype for the redesigned GT, which we currently expect to be revealed late this year or early next. The car should arrive as a 2023 model.

The redesigned GT will ride on a newly developed platform known as the MSA (Modular Sports Architecture), which made its debut in the redesigned SL. Our spy footage suggests the GT and SL will have similar proportions, but with unique lights and fascia designs to help separate them.

Naturally, there will be more differences between the two cars than just the styling. For example, the SL features a convertible top and 2+2 seating. The GT will be a coupe only this time around and should stick with a two-seat cabin. The GT should also feature more hardcore tuning than the SL, as the SL appeals more to buyers looking for performance combined with luxury and comfort, whereas GT buyers are typically all about the performance.

2022 Mercedes-Benz AMG SL

We can’t see the interior but there should be differences here, too. It’s possible the GT will skip the large tablet screen in the center stack that’s found in the SL.

Like the SL, the GT should feature a 4.0-liter twin-turbocharged V-8 and 9-speed automatic as standard. However, it’s certain that variants of the GT will offer more power than the SL, which currently tops out at 577 hp. The GT should also come standard with rear-wheel drive and have all-wheel drive as an option. In the SL, all-wheel drive is standard.

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