No, you won’t get a black eye from Apple Vision Pro

No, you won't get a black eye from Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro is heavy, but not heavy enough to hurt

Discomfort can be expected when dealing with Apple Vision Pro, but it shouldn’t be causing severe reactions like black eyes or headaches. That’s right, you’re wearing it wrong.

Apple Vision Pro is a relatively heavy piece of gear you wear on your face. It applies pressure and engages muscles you may have never realized existed before.

There will be a period of adjustment for Apple Vision Pro for some users where things might feel somewhat uncomfortable. However, some users are complaining about much more than a little discomfort.

According to a report from MarketWatch one user even reported what looked like black eyes from using the device. The user, Emily Olman, admitted the problem was a fit issue and went away once the device was worn correctly.

She noted that one of the first times she wore Apple Vision Pro, it created dark spots under her eyes. This was due to tightening the Fit Dial too far and forcing a vice-like grip on her face.

Using Apple Vision Pro should never cause pain. Discomfort, neck stiffness, and even dry eyes are common during the initial usage period and could last days, depending on the person.

Apple says users who notice such discomfort should take frequent breaks every 20 to 30 minutes until the discomfort stops. Again, discomfort, not pain and bruising agony.

Part of the fit problem may lie in the light seal and cushion in use. If it feels too loose and requires excessive tightening, then it’s likely the wrong fit.

Apple allows users to exchange their light seal or cushion. The items are also available to purchase separately.

Apple Vision Pro with various accessories around it like the light seal, cushion, and bands

Swap out your light seal or other parts to find a proper fit

The ideal fit should place a slight bit of pressure on the user’s cheeks and across the brow. Too much pressure on the cheeks means the dial is too tight and the headset is too low.

One thing that’s helped me as a Vision Pro user is keeping the Solo Knit strap closer to the crown of my head. Intuition says it should be lower, making the strap parallel with the ground, but the higher position actually helps relieve a lot of the pressure.

Everyone has a different head shape and face, so your results may vary. Many say the Dual Loop strap is more comfortable, but it squeezes my head unnaturally.

Regardless, under no circumstances should you have any physical damage occur from using Apple Vision Pro. Make an appointment with your closest Apple Store if you’re having problems getting a good fit.

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