You can control this smart mosquito repellent with Google Assistant or Alexa

You can control this smart mosquito repellent with Google Assistant or Alexa

As spring arrives, so do spineless blood-sucking mosquitoes, buzzing around spreading disease and irritability.

Conventional solutions, including the use of bug sprays, have long been tried and tested but it is time to move on to something smarter. That is the aim of the Liv Smart Mosquito Repellent System and its maker Thermacell.

The device comes with a smart hub and three to five one-foot tall repellers that you place in and around your yard. Each repeller has a cartridge that emits a repellant (metofluthrin) into the air when heated. Thermacell claims it creates a 20ft zone of protection. Placing repellers a few feet away from each other in and around your yard makes a bigger protection dome.

It’s worth noting that metofluthrin is scent-free and non-toxic to both humans and pets. Each metofluthrin cartridge lasts for about 40 hours.

You can turn the repellers on before you plan to head into the yard directly via your phone or through a voice assistant. This works thanks to the smart hub which connects to your home Wi-Fi network, allowing you to remotely control the repellers.

The smart hub can be placed inside or outside your house, though outside is recommended since the hub needs to be connected (wired) to the repellers.

Liv’s companion app allows users to schedule the repellers to go off at a certain time, monitor the activity and share controls with the rest of the household. According to the company, the repellers should be turned on about 10-15 minutes before you plan to head out to your yard.

Thermacell’s Liv Smart Mosquito Repellent System works with both Amazon Alexa, and Google Assistant, and is available starting at $699 (roughly $889.46 CAD). It currently doesn’t ship to Canada, however, Thermacell’s products are available all over Canadian Tire, Amazon and Walmart, so it should end up there sooner or later.

Learn more about Liv here.

Image credit: Thermacell

Via: The Verge

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