Uber adding temporary fuel surcharge to rides and Uber Eats deliveries

Uber adding temporary fuel surcharge to rides and Uber Eats deliveries

Uber will add a temporary fuel surcharge to rides and Uber Eats deliveries starting on March 16th to “support drivers and delivery people.”

In a blog post, Uber explained that it would add a $0.50 surcharge on every ride. For Uber Eats, the company will adjust consumers fees to “cover the equivalent of a $0.35 surcharge on every delivery.”

Uber says all of that money will go directly to drivers and delivery people.

Drivers will see the surcharge amounts listed as ‘Temporary Fuel Surcharge’ on their earning statements, while Uber Eats delivery people will see the surcharge lists as ‘Temporary UberEats Fuel Surcharge’ on earnings statements.

Moreover, Uber stressed that the surcharge is temporary and “designed to try and keep earnings consistent during this difficult moment.” The company says it plans to listen to feedback over the coming weeks and continue reviewing gas prices to determine if it needs to make additional changes.

The company also directed drivers to a Natural Resources Canada webpage with tips on how to reduce vehicle fuel consumption.

Uber took an opportunity to reiterate its plans to encourage drivers to switch to electric vehicles as well, including commitments to switch to a zero-emission platform by 2040, partnerships with Plug’n Drive to teach drivers about EV ownership, and Uber’s Green Future Program that can help EV drivers earn more.

You can learn more about Uber’s fuel surcharge here.

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