Apple corporate staffers have returned to Apple Park, one day a week | AppleInsider

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Apple corporate employees are starting to return to in-office work on a hybrid schedule as of Monday, including workers at the company’s Apple Park headquarters.

Back in March, Apple set an April 11 return deadline for its following several delays in its return timeline due to changes in the Covid-19 situation.

The April return deadline was set after a drop in Covid-19 cases and an easing of mask mandates and other pandemic-era restrictions across the U.S.

Although many technology companies and other firms have embraced a hybrid or remote work model, Apple has made it clear that it sees in-office collaboration as a necessary part of working at the iPhone maker.

Apple’s workers won’t be expected to stay in-office every day of the week — at least initially. The Cupertino tech giant is opting for a gradual return strategy that includes working in-office at least one day a week by April 11.

On May 2, staffers will need to work at least two days a week. By May 23, the number of in-person days rises to three. At that point, employees will need to head into the office on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, with Wednesdays and Fridays set aside for potential remote work.

Not everyone at Apple is happy with the arrangement, however. Apple employees have attempted to lobby for a permanent hybrid or remote work option. However, Apple has pushed forward with its plans despite those requests.

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