Up to 90 new EV chargers coming to British Columbia’s Kootenay region

Toronto plans to add 17 on-street EV chargers in 2022

Natural Resources Canada has announced a new $1 million investment to the Community Energy Association that will enable the installation of up to 90 EV chargers across British Columbia’s Kootenay region.

The investment, which was funded through Natural Resources Canada’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program will bring charging access to the more than 200,000 population of the region.

“The Community Energy Association will select recipients through a transparent process, based on demand. The EV chargers will then be installed in public places, multi-unit residential buildings, on streets, at workplaces or at facilities for servicing light-duty vehicle fleets by October 2023,” reads Natural Resources Canada’s news release.

“We’re making electric vehicles more affordable and charging more accessible where Canadians live, work and play. Investing in more EV chargers, like the ones announced today in British Columbia, will put more Canadians in the driver’s seat on the road to a net-zero future and help achieve our climate goals,” said Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, in a press statement.

This investment allows the nation to take another step towards its goal of having 100 percent zero-emission passenger vehicles sold in the country by 2035. Today’s investment follows a recent $201,499 investment by Natural Resources Canada that aims to add 42 EV chargers across the Regional Municipality of Durham in Southern Ontario.

Source: Natural Resources Canada

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