Apple TV Siri Remote hinted in iOS 16 beta

Apple TV Siri Remote hinted in iOS 16 beta

With iOS 16 betas already underway, many features have been released, with others still hidden but slowly surfacing through spotted hints.

According to Aaronp613 from AppleDB, coding lines labelled “SiriRemote4” and “WirelessRemoteFireware.4” were noticed on the programming for a potential Siri Remote. Aaron also mentions that previous Siri Remotes were labelled “SiriRemote2” and “SiriRemote3” for their respective versions.

These clues may indicate that a fourth version of the Siri Remote may be on the way soon. However, there is no actual confirmation that it will make its way to the public anytime soon.

The Apple TV remote was approaching a comeback onto the App Store a few days ago on June 20th.

Apple released the latest Apple TV model along with the Siri Remote 3 in April 2021. It tvOS 16 update is expected to release in September 2022.

Image credit: Apple

Source: Aaronp613 Via: MacRumors


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