Dutch regulators rule Apple must make App Store changes before Jan. 15 | AppleInsider

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Dutch antitrust regulators have ruled that Apple’s App Store broke competition laws in the country, and have demanded changes to its in-app payment policy early in 2022.

Authorities in the country have been investigating Apple’s App Store since 2019 on allegations that the company abuses its dominance in the marketplace. In a decision unsealed on Friday, but made in October, Dutch regulators ruled that Apple’s requirement that developers use its in-app payment system was anti-competitive.

In a report published on Friday about the ruling, Reuters says that Apple must make changes before Jan. 15. Should it fail to do so, it faces a fine of up to 50 million euros.

The Netherlands’ Authority for Consumers and Markets told Apple of its decision in September 2021. At the time, Apple did not comment on the ruling but said the decision was under “legal review.”

Apple is facing similar antitrust pressure in South Korea, where regulators also ruled that Apple’s in-app payment requirements were anti-competitive. The company has pushed back against the new regulations in South Korea, claiming that it is already in compliance.

Additionally, Apple is also facing antitrust pressure in its home country. The U.S. Department of Justice is in the midst of a yearlong probe into Apple’s business practices, and reports indicate that the investigation could result in a lawsuit.

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