Analogue is working on a 4K Nintendo 64 retro revival

Analogue is working on a 4K Nintendo 64 retro revival

Nintendo doesn’t seem to have plans to release an ‘N64 Classic,’ so it looks like Analogue is taking matters into its own hands.

While we don’t know what the retro-revival console will look like yet, the company has revealed it’s working on a 4K version of the Nintendo 64 called the Analogue 3D. It’s set to release at some point in 2024.

Analogue has released several remakes over the years, including the Super Nt, Mega Sg and, most recently, the Pocket. Now the company is tackling the 64-bit era with the Analogue 3D, its take on the Nintendo 64. The console will be compatible with original N64 cartridges and will support up to a 4K output.

The system features wireless Bluetooth and 2.4g gamepads, and for the retro gaming purist out there, original display modes, including specific model CRTs and PVMs. It’s also set to be region-free, allowing it to play North American, European and Japanese N64 cartridges. Similar to Analogue’s past devices, the 3D will only play original cartridges and not ROM files for legal regions. That said, it will likely only be a matter of weeks after release before someone hacks it to play ROMs.

The N64 is a notoriously difficult console to emulate, so it will be interesting to see if Analogue is capable of pulling it off.

Other than the above information, not much is known about the mysterious N64 remake beyond its 2024 release date. However, Analogue did share two teaser images, showing off what looks like its controller, a modern take on the N64’s classic gamepad design (check out those C-Buttons), and the side of the 3D system.

Hopefully, Analogue opts to change its ridiculous $60 per item shipping costs to Canada before it releases its 4K version of the Nintendo 64. I recently had a transparent ‘Clear’ Analogue Pocket in my shopping cart and cancelled my order because shipping came to $120. It’s worth noting that given the Pocket costs $219 USD (about $298 CAD), the Analogue 3D will likely be rather pricey, landing in the $300-$350 USD range (roughly $408-$476 CAD) — but that’s a small price to pay for the privilege of playing the original version of Perfect Dark in 4K, right?

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