Anyone can request access to Tesla’s Full Self-Driving beta now

Anyone can request access to Tesla's Full Self-Driving beta now

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has created a button.

This new button allows any Tesla driver to request access to the company’s ‘Full Self-Driving’ (not technically full self-driving) beta. Musk says that new entries to the beta program will need to have their driving style assessed by the car for a week to ensure they’re not too aggressive.

I’m not sure what a driver’s aggression has to do with letting them sit and watch a car try to drive itself, but at least Telsa has added a way to keep people out of the beta, right? Well, not really. If you don’t make it in the beta the first time, you can still try to qualify again.

Some users have even reported that more aggressive driving in some instances has resulted in them receiving an overall higher safety score.

On the other hand, it could be helpful to have more people in the beta to feed a wider sample of data back to Tesla. Ideally, this would help refine the software faster. On the other hand, since cars are inherently dangerous, there’s still an argument to be made against just letting anyone test self-driving software on public roads.

It’s unclear if this button is coming to Canada, but judging by previous Full Self Driving beta updates, I don’t expect to see it here any time soon.

Source: @elonmusk Via: Engadget

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