Apple self-driving software almost takes turn for the worse on jogger

Apple self-driving software almost takes turn for the worse on jogger

Apple’s desires to create a fully self-driving vehicle have been in motion for a while, with the company expected to launch it sometime in 2025, as reported back in November 2021.

However, Apple’s autonomous car project, also known as “Project Titan,” seems to have almost hit a jogger earlier this year, according to a report from The Information. The car had to be controlled by backup to intervene during several tests, including the one that almost hit a jogging pedestrian.

The vehicle was travelling at about 15 mph (about 24 km/h) before the backup driver got involved and emergency stopped the car before nearly hitting the pedestrian. Instead of making a stop, the car changed its path.

In 2017, modified Lexus vehicles were tested by Apple at a robo city test track in Arizona, which included lidar sensors made by Apple instead of using Velodyne’s, also mentioned by The Information.

According to some sources, Apple’s autonomous vehicle is a four-seater and includes a curved ceiling. In a report by TeslaNorth, Apple is said to want the vehicle to lack a steering wheel and brakes, which sounds very nerve-racking considering the vehicle almost hit someone.

The final version of the Apple car could hit the roads as soon as 2023 as part of the testing phase; however, it looks it needs more work.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Sources: The Information Via: TeslaNorth

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