Are we heading for a cyber war?

Are we heading for a cyber war?

We’ve already seen that cyberattacks have played a role in the war in Ukraine. But what about the prospect of more widespread cyber warfare. Could Ukraine be just a testing ground?

Education advice site Security Degree Hub has produced an infographic looking at the prospects of a cyber war and what it might look like.

In the first 10 weeks of 2022 more than 150 cyberattacks were launched against Ukraine, and hackers disabled 70 government websites in January. By March though the tables were turning with more than six billion potential cyberattacks worldwide in a single 24-hour period of which 61 percent targeted Russia and 23 percent targeted Ukraine.

The graphic also considers what a cyber war might look like, with the potential to shut down power grids, disrupt industry and restrict access to food and water. In addition it looks at what people are most scared of losing access to, with finances and mobile phone services topping the list, and at the steps some people are already taking to protect themselves. These include taking offline backups and having a reserve of cash.

You can see the full graphic below.

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