Communications Workers of America jumping in on Apple Grand Central unionization efforts | AppleInsider

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Fruit Stand Workers United, the union organization of Apple Store employees, will be supported in its unionization efforts by the Communications Workers of America for efforts in Apple Grand Central.

Communications Workers of America (CWA) announced on Thursday that it will help the employees in the location to form a union. In a press release, by CWA noted that Fruit Stand Workers United (FSWU) had originally asked the group that is assisting Starbucks workers — Workers United — for support.

“Starbucks workers who have been organizing – and winning – union representation across the country with Workers United’s support have inspired retail workers at Apple, Verizon Wireless, and many other companies,” Chris Shelton, President of CWA, said in a statement. “We appreciate the confidence that the Fruit Stand Workers United organizing committee has in our plan to build worker power at Apple.”

The Apple Store workers’ unionization group has also responded to the news.

“Through Workers United, we have learned what we can expect from Littler, and we are prepared,” Anthony Viola, one of the members of the organizing committee of FSWU, said in a statement. “By joining forces with CWA, we intend to participate with countless other stores to achieve workers’ rights across Apple Retail in the U.S. and we believe we will succeed.”

Unionization efforts have been steadily happening in Apple Stores across the country. In April and May of 2022, stores in New York, Atlanta, and Louisville were among a number of locations organizing a union.

Apple corporate managers have been steadily hitting back at those efforts. Reports circulated that tactics aimed at halting the movements were used at Apple Store locations, with anti-union talking points circulated to its managers.

Apple’s retail chief, Deirdre O’Brien, has stated that unions could potentially harm the relationship between Apple and its employees.

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