Friday, September 20, 2024

Five Ways to Use Technology to Make You and Your Employees More Productive – Technosoups


How much time do you actually spend working when you’re on the clock? Whether you’re in the office or you’re at home, it’s easy to get distracted. It can be something like a beeping cell phone, but it can also be time consuming activities that are related to your job. If only there was a better way.

There is! When you use technology to your advantage, you can be more productive, and you can pass on your newfound productivity to your employees.

Consider a Domainless Enterprise

How many different apps, services, and platforms do you use? What about other employees and departments? There was once a time when everyone used the same tools from the same vendor, which made managing and securing IT a breeze.

That’s not the case anymore. With so many applications and platforms available from different vendors, you don’t want to get stuck with just one, but managing them all separately can be a nightmare.

Do yourself and your employees a favor by utilizing a single cloud directory with a Domainless Enterprise. It allows for emerging standards and resources from all types of vendors to seamlessly integrate into a single directory. It makes it easier for everyone in the office to use apps without getting stuck working with inefficient tools in the name of sticking with a single vendor.

Stick With the Right Collaboration Tool

Your employees don’t work in a vacuum. Chances are, they collaborate with coworkers, run ideas by managers, and submit projects on a regular basis. Is there an easy way for your employees to do it all?

Collaboration apps are a must-have for a team-oriented company. They enable your employees to send messages back and forth, take notes that can be accessible to the whole team, and they can submit work.

Just make sure you choose the right collaboration tool and stick with it. Learning a new platform is frustrating and time consuming. Your employees will appreciate you taking the time to research and choose one that they will use for years to come.

A few of the best collaboration tools to choose from include:

  • Asana
  • Smartsheet
  • Basecamp
  • Trello
  • Todoist

Find, Use, and Share Automation Tools

How much of your day do you spend on mundane tasks that are repetitive, but have to get done? You can save a lot of time each and every day if you look for automation tools to do some of the work for you.

Some automation tools are great for the whole team. You can utilize a digital assistant for customer service or automatically transcribe meetings to make your employees’ lives easier, but you should also share simpler automation tools that you use with your team.

For example, do your employees know how to send automatic emails when they’re out of the office? Do they know how to prioritize important emails with the click of a button? Do they know how to automatically add meetings to their calendar? Pass along this information to make their workday easier.

Optimize Your Browser With Extensions

Chances are, you aren’t taking advantage of everything your browser can do. Whether you use Firefox, Chrome, or another browser, there are many extensions that can make your life easier, and they can help you communicate better with your team.

For example, a few Chrome extensions you may want to add to your browser include:

  • Screen capture allows you to take a picture of your screen
  • Loom lets you create a quick video complete with voice-overs
  • Mercury Reader can clean up weird formatting and get rid of some ads on webpages
  • Save to Pocket allows you to save articles you want to read until later

Smart Phone Addiction Apps

How much time do you spend on your cell phone at work? Whether you’re answering text messages, browsing social media, or looking something up real quick, it can really eat into your workday. It’s worth downloading a smartphone addiction app and encouraging your employees to do the same.

Not only can they block distracting apps, like Facebook, they can track your device usage. They can help you discover just how much time you’re wasting at work, and you can discover how much time you’re wasting at home too!

There are ways you and your employees can be more productive at work without staying late or compromising your breaks. Find a little extra time in your day to complete important tasks by following the tips on this list!

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