Google Chrome’s address bar is gaining a set of new skills

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Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority


  • Google Chrome’s address bar is getting a set of welcome upgrades.
  • These include searching within bookmarks folders, typo correction, site suggestions, and smarter autocompletion.
  • Some updates are available immediately, while others are due in the coming months.

As the gateway to the internet, the address bar has become the web browser’s most important facet. Now, Google Chrome‘s address bar is getting a set of upgrades that add even more features and speed.

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Andy Walker / Android Authority

Perhaps the most impactful upgrade is popular site suggestions. Google notes that this new feature will suggest sites in the address bar even if you haven’t previously visited them. It’s unclear if this is just another avenue for advertising or if the feature will suggest genuinely helpful and relevant websites to users. Either way, it’s available to try today on desktop and mobile.

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Andy Walker / Android Authority

More changes coming to Chrome address your sloppy typing skills. The browser will now understand your intended destination, even if you mistype a site’s URL. Previously, users were required to clear the error from the URL or start over. This is, thankfully, no longer the case.

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Andy Walker / Android Authority

This change pairs nicely with smarter autocompletion. Chrome is now quicker to recognize the website you want to visit, just a few keystrokes in. It’s worth highlighting that this feature was present on previous Chrome builds, but the new version disregards typos and suggests sites beyond your search history. This feature is coming to Chrome on desktop first.

A quality of life change comes to the physical layout of the Chrome address bar, which Google now claims is “easier to read” and is “more responsive.”

Finally, Chrome can now search within your bookmarks folders by typing the name of the folder in the address bar. This is a beneficial change for those with folders bursting at the seams.

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