Netflix now features an external subscription button on iOS | AppleInsider

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A new subscribe button will direct users away from the Netflix app and onto its website to set up new subscriptions.

In March, Apple informed developers that it would allow “reader” apps to offer a link to an external website so users can create and manage accounts outside of the App Store.

Reader apps are defined as software that displays outside content on iOS, including previously purchased videos, music, magazines, newspapers, and books.

When tapped, the button warns that the transaction is no longer Apple’s responsibility and that users will not be able to manage their subscriptions or request refunds through Apple.

Generally, Apple bans outside links — particularly to alternate payment platforms — as part of its anti-steering policies on the App Store. Following an investigation from the Japanese Fair Trade Commission, Apple was forced to make a change to its in-app link policy to comply with new rules in Japan.

Although the change was Japan-focused, Apple said in September that the updated guidelines would apply worldwide.

Apple has been under fire for its anti-steering policies globally. For example, while it won a resounding victory in the Epic Games v. Apple legal battle, one of the few rulings made against Apple would ban the company’s anti-steering policies. The Cupertino tech giant has appealed that ruling.

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