Steve Jobs $4.01 check for RadioShack sold for $46,063 at auction

Steve Jobs $4.01 check for RadioShack sold for $46,063 at auction

A check signed by Steve Jobs (Courtesy: RR Auction)

Steve Jobs went shopping at RadioShack in 1976, spending a whopping $4.01 via a signed check — and that check has blown away expectations, hitting $46,063 at auction.

The check was expected to fetch around $25,000, but ended up closing at $46,063. The check was written for $4.01 for a purchase at RadioShack on July 23, 1976.

RadioShack played an important part in the pre-Apple days, as co-founder Steve Wozniak bought the TRS-80 Micro Computer System at the retailer, which he then used to build his “blue box” to make long-distance calls for free. In the early days of the partnership between Wozniak and Jobs, the pair made and sold around 200 of the boxes for about $150 apiece.

In May, another auction for an Apple check signed by Jobs from July 1976 also went up for auction. However, that check to pay Crampton, Remke, and Miller, Inc $175 eventually sold for $106,985.

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