Tim Cook says return to office work plan is ‘the mother of all experiments’ | AppleInsider

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CEO Tim Cook accepts Apple’s plans for bringing staff back in to offices needs tweaks, says the company is trialling ways to balance remote working.

Following his remarks about privacy erosion at the Time100 summit, Tim Cook also told the conference that Apple has not decided on its return to work plans.

“We’re running the mother of all experiments because we don’t know,” said Cook. “We’re running a pilot and trying to find a place that makes the best of both of these worlds.”

“We could be the first to say the starting point is likely wrong and will take tweaks,” continued Cook.

Apple’s CEO stressed that his own preference is for in-person working, specifically because of the “serendipity” of workplace meetings. However, he also said that online remote interactions are “not inferior, just different.”

Without detailing any plans regarding Apple AR, Cook also said that this technology “stands a chance of enhancing our conversation, of enhancing our connection, instead of replacing it.”

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